Cholla Site

A rock shelter at the Cholla site opens to the west, and provides a perfect view of the setting Sun. At the summer solstice, light from the setting Sun shines through a crack in a large boulder at the front of the shelter, and forms a double-arrow shape on a second boulder at the back of the shelter. Archaeologists speculate that early inhabitants noticed this alignment and decided the site held special significance. Read more >>

Caddo Mounds

Caddoan Mounds today contains the remains of three large mounds. The largest, at the southern edge of the site, is called Mound A. It probably was the earliest and most significant mound. About 40 houses were built around it, but not all were in use at the same time. Read more >>

Paint Rock

Paint Rock is home to more than 1,000 pictographs painted on a limestone cliff that is as much as 70 feet high on the north bank of the Concho River. The paintings, done in red, black, yellow, and white, stretch for more than a half-mile along the layered cliff face. Recent studies suggest that some panels at the site show some overall organization, which archaeologists had not previously recognized at the site. Read more >>

Buried City

Buried City stretches for several miles along the slopes of Wolf Creek, a small stream that was fed year-round by springs. The picturesque valley provided abundant water and game and relatively good farming conditions. One Buried City house seems to show more than one astronomical alignment. The east and west walls line up north to south -- an alignment that may have been made by watching the North Star. The other two walls line up with the sunrise on the equinoxes in March and September. Read more >>

Hot Well Pueblo

Many pueblo cultures have had designated “sunwatchers” to track the Sun’s annual motion across the horizon. In the case of Hot Well, the typical date of the last freeze is around the time of the spring equinox, so knowing when the equinox occurred could have told the inhabitants that it was safe to plant their crops. Read more >>

Hueco Tanks

Hueco Tanks consists of several small, mounded granite outcrops surrounding a large central basin. The site is surrounded by flat desert lands to the west and the Hueco Mountains to the east. Astronomical connections at Hueco Tanks are a bit speculative. A few of the pictographs show stars, sunbursts, or crescent Moons. Read more >>


Double Rainbow

Crescent Moon


Red Animals

Eileen Thompson

Eileen Thompson

Evening Sky

Made possible by a grant from Humanities Texas, a state partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities

Texas Native Skies is a production of StarDate Online. Copyright ©2004-05 The University of Texas McDonald Observatory